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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vanessa Behind EliteNews

We've all heard of Elite Entertainment. The ever popular blog spnsar with loads of helpful projects such as Elite Models, Elite Tabloid etc. And we all thought that the mastermind behind all this was EliteNews, Baya Nikolas, and we regarded her with gratitude for her helpful blogs.
But, a certain buzz flew around Dollywood that Vanessa (Star_Awards) was the actual person behind the Stardoll account, EliteNews and perhaps all the projects hosted by Elite Entertainment.
I did not really believe all of this, so I decided to confirm it by asking Vanessa herself if it was true. Here is the reply I got:

 Vanessa admits to being the person behind EliteNews! This is so confusing! Who is Baya Nikolas, than? Stay tuned as I unravel this mystery!

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